Loreal Palmer Bio

Robert Rick


NameLoreal Palmer
Famous AsCelebrity sister of American actress, singer, and television personality Keke Palmer
NationalityUnited States
Zodiac SignCapricorn
Claim to FameWinner of the debut season of the reality show "Claim to Fame"
Cash Prize$100,000
SiblingsKeke Palmer (actress and singer), Lawrence Palmer (brother), Lawrencia Palmer (sister)
ParentsTrained actors who supported Keke Palmer's acting career
Future PlansStarting a production company focused on horror films
AccusationAccused Trey Songz of including her footage in his music video without her consent, leading to allegations of sexual intimidation
Keke's Net Worth$10 million
Keke's SalaryMore than $1 million annually, with a monthly income of more than $0.1 million
AgeBorn on January 3, 1989, currently 34 years old

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